Northern Group
Excursions &Garden Visits
Excursions and Garden visits
Many excursions are held throughout the year to enable our members to visit special botanical places including private estates and gardens to learn about and enjoy Tasmania’s beautiful native flora.
Above: A two day trip to see the flora and learn about the long history of the Surrey Hills grasslands in the north-west.
Some trips over the last few years include:
Alpine plains of Mt Barrow, February Plains as well in National Parks: West coast at Arthur’s River and Temma: NE at Waterhouse Conservation Area and private properties: Midlands at Powranna and Tom Gibson Reserves : Central Highlands: East coast Winifred Curtis Reserve.
Comesperma ericinum
Dockrillia striolata rock-orchid
Thelymitra sp. Sun orchid
Gardens visited include members’ native gardens, the NW Arboretum, the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens and Government House with its native section pictured below.