Native Plants in the Wild
Credits and Acknowledgements
Photos by permission of copyright holders
see initials alongside each photograph:
GJ Greg Jordon
RS Roy Skabo
LS Louise Skabo
JC Jeff Campbell
RW Rob Wiltshire
JT John Tarbor
BC Bruce Champion
AS Andrew Smith
MG Margie Growden
List Authors
Plant Lists have been derived from various sources. See the headings or footers of each for details
Lists have been editied, for example to select a subset of a source list to create the (abbreviated) illustrated lists.
Also plant names have been updated where these have been changed in the Census of Tasmanian Plants
Further Acknowledgements
In addition to the above, many people have contributed to these lists, including:
Roy Skabo (planning, plant descriptions, plant selection, general advice)
Catherine Pearce (data entry, styling)
Christine Howells (general advice, plant descriptions, plant selection)
Descriptions and other information were obtained from the following publications
Tasmanian Dicot Key (Greg Jordon at University of Tasmania, link)
Census of Tasmanian Plants (Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 2022, link)
Tasmania’s Natural Flora, 3rd Edition (Australian Plants Society Inc., Hobart Group, 2021)
The Student’s Flora of Tasmania (Winifred M Curtis, 1953, 1966, 1967)
Little Book of Common Names (Hans and Annie Wapstra, Mark Wapstra, Louise Gilfedder, 2005, link)