Society Handbook
HB2 Standing Orders
HB3.1 Council President Role
HB3.2 Council Vice-President Role
HB3.3 Council Secretary Role
HB3.4 Council Treasurer Role
HB3.6 Group Councilor
HB3.7 Public Officer Role
HB4.1 Journal Editor Role
HB4.2 ANPSA Delegate Role
HB4.8 APJ Role
HB5.1 Code of Conduct
HB5.2 Financial Controls and Delegations
HB5.5 Risk Management
HB6.1 Council Responsibilities
HB6.2 Group Responsibilities
HB6.3 Delegations of Responsibility
HB6.4 Council Treasurer Procedure
HB6.5 Group Treasurer Procedure
HB6.6 Circular Resolutions
HB6.9 Excursions Procedure