Eucalyptus barberi

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus barberi
Common Name: Barber’s gum
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 5-10m H
Leaves: Juvenile – opposite, becoming alternate, oblong, green with prominent oil gland, to 10cm long; Adult – lanceolate to slightly sickle-shaped with prominent midrib and veins, green, to 13cm long. New stem reddish.
Flowers: Umbels are 7 flowered and borne in the leaf axils on stalks between 5-15 mm long. The buds are cylindrical or urn-shaped, with a lid that is conical or bearing a small knob in the centre.
Flowering Time: Summer/autumn from August through December
Fruit: Cylindrical to bell-shaped, 8mm across, valves slightly below level of rim.
Habitat/distribution: Limited to central area of east coast. Grows on low hills and sloping ground in open, dry sclerophyll forest
Where to See: Usually grows under taller eucalyptus.