Baloskion australe

Botanical Name: Baloskion australe
Common Name: Southern cordrush
Family: Restionaceae
Size: Up to 1 m H
Leaves: Straight, erect leaves reduced to short leathery sheaths closely stem-clasping at base, smaller and light brown with spreading tips up the stem at nodes.
Flowers: Male and female flower clusters chestnut brown at end of stems.
Flowering Time: Spring to early summer.
Fruit: Flat, dehiscing along the thickened margin.
Habitat/distribution: Erect near high plant with creeping roots forming thick stands in swamps, marshes and damp places on peaty or gravelly soils, peaty heath lands. Near sea level up to 1100 metres in altitude.
Where to See: Ben Lomond, North East, East Coast, Central Highlands, Kunanyi Mt Wellington.
Other notes: Also Vic., NSW..