Lasiopetalum macrophyllum

Botanical Name: Lasiopetalum macrophyllum
Common Name: Shrubby velvetbush
Family: Sterculiacea
Size: Rusty hairy woody shrub, Prostrate to 2m high, 0.5 – 1.5 m wide
Leaves: Ovate on a stalk, 5-10cm long; upper surface rough to touch; rusty hairs on veins; lower surface white/green and hairy
Flowers: Tiny petals three bracteoles shorter than the five hairy petals with a white inner surface with outer surface appearing pinkish because of rusty hairs. Flowers in clusters facing downwards
Flowering Time: spring
Fruit:A capsule
Habitat/distribution: Coastal plain, locally common in the north and northwest, east and Bass Strait islands. Also, Vic, NSW
Where to See:
Other notes: Large leafed rusty hairy plant, flowers face downwards