Stonesiella selaginoides

Botanical Name: Stonesiella selaginoides
Common Name: clubmoss bushpea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: Slender woody glabrous shrub to 2.5m high.
Leaves: Numerous and crowded, oblong to heart shaped, 3 to 10 mm long, thick, flat or somewhat concave, with the midrib showing only on the lower surface towards the base
Flowers: Yellow pea-flowers are on short stalks in the leaf axils at or near the ends of the branches. The green calyx is nearly as long as the yellow petals.
Flowering Time: September to November
Habitat/distribution: Dolerite soils in tall open heath and open dry scrub.
Where to See: East coast in Bicheno area.
Other notes: Endangered and endemic to Tasmania. Similar in appearance to Almaleea subumbellata, but S selaginoides leaves are larger and hairless. Previously called Pultenaea selaginoides.