Ozothamnus obcordatus

Botanical Name: Ozothamnus obcordatus
Common Name: Yellow everlasting (Tas); Grey everlasting (Mainland)
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 0.5-1.5m H, 0.5–1m W
Leaves: Small leaves, obcordate or broad elliptic to obovate, 3–5mm long. Bright green, glossy (glabrous) upper surface, with under-surface covered with short, matted woolly hairs (tomentose). Lower leaves sometimes yellow.
Flowers: Flower heads golden or pale brownish-yellow, very numerous, in large corymbose panicles at end of branches.
Flowering Time: Nov – Dec.
Fruit: A cypsela (a single dried seed, attached to wispy remains of calyx, the pappus, as with a dandelion seed)
Habitat/distribution: Understorey plant in dry rocky hills often with shallow soil. Found in Tasmania, Victoria, NSW to southern Qld.
Where to See: Dry hillsides east of Oatlands, for example
Other notes: An erect, spreading shrub. Because the flowerheads are colourful, numerous and long lasting, the horticultural potential for this plant has been investigated for the cut-flower trade. A worthwhile addition to any native garden. Should be trimmed slightly after flowering.