Micrantheum serpentinum

Botanical Name: Micrantheum serpentinum
Common Name: Western tridentbush
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Size: 1-2m H X 1-1.5m W
Leaves: Obovate leathery leaves, 5-9 mm long. Glossy dark green top surface, paler dull lower surface. Leaves are in groups of three that are arranged alternately.
Flowers: Individual male and individual female flowers are found on the same plant (monoecious). Male flowers are normally located above female flowers on the shrub. Both male and female flowers are very small, cream to pale green, are singular or in small clusters, located at the end of branchlets. Female flowers have 3 styles and male flowers have 6 stamens.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: Capsule, oval in shape.
Habitat/distribution: A small, much branched shrub, located in north west Tasmania. Limited to areas of Cambrian serpentinite, with associated lateritic soils and an excess of 2000mm annual rainfall. Found in low eucalypt forest/shrubland and heathland, often on rocky hillsides.
Where to See: Serpentine Hill, Serpentine Ridge and Heazlewood River
Other notes: Can be propagated from cuttings. Requires moist well drained soil.