Melaleuca sqaurrosa

Botanical Name: Melaleuca sqaurrosa
Common Name: Scented paperbark
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: Erect shrub, 2 – 6 m high, 1 – 2.5 m wide.
Leaves: Ovate and pointed, 4 – 8 mm long. Rigidly arranged in pairs at right-angles giving a square appearance to the stems.
Flowers: Crowded, fragrant. Small creamy-yellow brushes appear at end of stems. 2 – 4 cm long.
Flowering Time: Sporadically, late spring to early summer.
Fruit: Nutty capsules, clasping the stems.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in Tasmania, except in central plateaux. Appears in heathlands, and in dense colonies in moister sandy areas. Also, as a riparian plant along S-W rivers.
Where to See: Coastal heathlands right around Tasmania, particularly in North and North-east, Waterhouse, Lulworth/Bellingham roadsides, Rocky Cape, Tasman peninsula and south of Hobart.
Other notes: A great re-vegetation plant for moist sunny areas. Also, a great plant for screening. A small prostrate form has been cultivated making it particularly popular with landscapers and gardeners.