Hovea corrickiae

Botanical Name: Hovea corrickiae
Common Name: Glossy purplepea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 3-5m H x 1-2m W
Leaves: 3-4cm long, glossy green. Bottom surface covered in hairs that are yellow/white to rust in colour. Leaves arranged alternatively.
Flowers: White peaflower with purple veins radiating from centre. Flowers are on stalks that are 5-9cm in length.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: Pod contains 2 dark brown seeds that are kidney shaped and 4-6 mm in length. Seeds are released from the pod by an explosive mechanism.
Habitat/distribution: A small slender tree. Present in rocky locations, in riparian areas and in damp open forest. Rare with small populations located in north east Tasmania. Also south west Vic.
Where to See: German Town, St Colombia Falls State Reserve, Castle Cary Regional Reserve, Avoca, Loila, Mt Elephant, Georges River and Lower Marsh Creek Forest Reserve.
Other notes: Can be grown from seed (seed needs to be soaked) or tip cuttings. If propagated by cutting may take some time to establish.