Coronidium scorpioides

Botanical Name: Coronidium scorpioides
Common Name: Curling everlasting
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 10-80cm H x 50-75cm W
Leaves: Crowded at the base, more widely spaced on the flower stem, grey-green, soft, usually cottony hairs on both surfaces.
Flowers: Solitary yellow flower heads, 2-3cm across, the central part surrounded by curled papery bracts.
Flowering Time: Late spring/summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in understorey in a variety of habitats from sea level to alpine. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania: Cradle Mountain & Lake St Clair, Hartz, Mt Field, Rocky Cape, South West and Tasman National Parks; King and some Furneaux, Maria and Bruny Islands; Bluff River Gorge, Bridport Wildflower, Cheltenham , Orford Thumbs, Peter Murrell, Meehan Ranges, Wellington Park and many other Reserves; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: A stoloniferous perennial herb with conspicuous, solitary yellow daisy flowers with curling papery phyllaries (bracts). A hardy spreading ground cover. Prune after flowering to maintain carpet effect.