Hibbertia appressa

Botanical Name: Hibbertia appressa
Common Name: Southern guineaflower
Family: Dilleniaceae
Size: Scrambling ground cover to over 2m spread and climbs up to over 2m.
Leaves: Elliptical, dark green to 10 mm long, with stiff hairs on the upper surface, hooked hairs on the underside.
Flowers: Yellow with 5 deeply notched petals with 9-12 stamens in a single cluster to one side of the carpels (the female part of the flower, consisting of the ovary, style and stigma. TNF Ed.2 page 403).
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: a 3 lobed capsule
Habitat/distribution: Widespread but scattered in damp heaths, shrubberies and open forests in NW, NE, Midlands and SE. Also Vic.
Where to See: Tasman Peninsula, Snug Falls, Pelverata Falls, South Port Lagoon and Exit Cave Tracks, Snug Tiers, Birchs Bay,, Gordon, Mt Balfour, Tarkine, Strahan, Birchs Inlet, King Island, Asbestos Hill, Dazzler Range, Huon Valley, Lune River, Recherche Bay.
Other notes: A good garden plant in moist, well drained, part sun areas. In the past, this species has been mistaken for Hibbertia empetrifolia.