Goodenia ovata

Botanical Name: Goodenia ovata
Common Name: Hop native-primrose
Family: Goodeniaceae
Size: 1-2m H x 0.5-1.5m W
Leaves: Bright green, slightly sticky, ovate. Mature leaves 2-6cm long with toothed margins.
Flowers: Bright yellow flowers consisting of three spreading lower lobes and two upper lobes. Petal margins slightly wavy on long slender stems.
Flowering Time: Prolific in spring, sporadic throughout the year.
Fruit: A narrow rounded capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread, a coloniser of roadsides and open forest. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Occasional on the west coast, Trial harbour and Zeehan; in the Northern midlands, Nile and South Esk Rivers; more common along the northern coastal areas from Stanley to Bridport; down the east coast from Picnic Point to Orford; quite common in the south east including Lime Bay, Carlton River, Derwent and Huon Valleys and as far south as Cockle Creek and South Cape Bay. Many bushland parks and gardens; Wellington Park lower areas, Knocklofty and Peter Murrell Reserves; Freycinet and Tasman National Parks; Furneaux, Maria and Bruny Islands.
Other notes: Multiple yellow flowers on a rounded bush; rapid coloniser after bush fires in open forest areas.