Dillwynia cinerascence

Botanical Name: Dillwynia cinerascens
Common Name: Smooth parrotpea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 1 – 1.5 m high, or sometimes 0.3 – 0.8 m, depending on whether erect or decumbent form. Width from 1 – 2 m.
Leaves: Soft, narrow linear shape, 0.5 – 2 cm long. Crowded, sometimes adpressed (lying closely against the stem) with short petioles (stems). Upper surface is grooved.
Flowers: Bright golden pea flower with a red throat, in terminal clusters.
Flowering Time: Late spring - summer
Fruit: Ovoid pod
Habitat/distribution: Widespread. Adapts to varied habitat-types, predominantly dry or moist coastal heathlands and grassy areas, in Tasmania. Also in SA, Vic, NSW and Qld.
Where to See: Waterhouse conservation area, west behind Beaconsfield, Hawley beach, for example
Other notes: Propagates from seed or cuttings and likes well-drained soil with part shade.