Correa lawrenceana

Botanical Name: Correa lawrenceana
Common Name: Mountain correa
Family: Rutaceae
Size: 1-4m H x 2-3m W
Leaves: Leathery, variable, shortly stalked, 3-7cm long, pointed, upper surface shiny, lower surface densely hairy, greyish or rusty.
Flowers: Cream/green tubular, up to 3cm long, pendulous on short stalks from leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Autumn mainly/ winter/spring.
Fruit: A 4-celled capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Understorey in wet sclerophyll forests, widespread from sea level to mountains. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Wellington Park, Tasman, Forestier and Freycinet Peninsulas, many locations in the south east and east coast cloud rainforest areas, many location in the north in wet sclerophyll areas.
Other notes: Two endemic Tasmanian varieties are found,C. lawrenceanavar.lawrenceanaand var.ferruginea. Other varieties and selected forms are commercially propagated. Ideal species for moist, shady locations.