Cassinia aculeata

Botanical Name: Cassinia aculeate
Common Name: Dolly bush
Family: Asteraceae
Size: Erect shrub, 2-3m H x 1-2m W
Leaves: Narrow linear with down-rolled margins, dark green above and hairy white undersurface.
Flowers: Large terminal clusters of small daisy flowers, usually white but occasionally pink.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: Single-seeded, downy fruit (a cypsela).
Habitat/distribution: Widespread on the edges of wet sclerophyll forests and on disturbed land. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Trevally Nature Recreation Area, Poatinah Rd, Elephant Pass, The Waterworks
Other notes: Very adaptable. Tolerates shade and frost. Propagate from seed and cuttings.