Boronia gunnii

Botanical Name: Boronia gunnii
Common Name: River boronia
Family: Rutaceae
Size: 0.5-1.5m H x 10-15m W
Leaves: 5-9 leaflets, 12-32mm L x 16-50mm W covered with glandular bristles.
Flowers: Clusters of 1-7 pink or white petalled flowers in leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: a hairless capsule
Habitat/distribution: A Tasmanian endemic species that is listed as vulnerable by the Threatened Species Committee. It grows in the rocky, high-energy flood prone areas along a few eastern rivers.
Where to See: Apsley, St Pauls and Dukes Rivers in eastern Tasmania
Other notes: The stems are very flexible and can be almost tied in a loose knot without breaking. (Information Tasmanian Herbarium)