Banksia marginata

Botanical Name: Banksia marginata
Common Name: Silver banksia
Family: Proteaceae
Size: 0.5-8m H x 2-5m W
Leaves: Variable, entire or serrate, leathery, upper surface dark green with indented central vein, undersurface hairy-white with conspicuous venation and rolled margins.
Flowers: Compact cylindrical, cream to yellow spike.
Flowering Time: Spring/mainly Autumn in many areas of the State, especially in upper altitudes.
Fruit: Persistent woody follicles which open to release 2 seeds with paper-like wings separated by a woody divider. Seeds may be released soon after maturity or retained until the follicle is opened by the death of the branch or tree, or by fire.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread, coast to subalpine. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Coastal areas, bushland, Reserves, Parks throughout the State from sea level to 1000m; Freycinet NP to shores of Lake St Claire; Maria Island to the Chalet on Kunanyi/Mount Wellington.
Other notes: Excellent garden tree or shrub with grey smooth bark but needs good drainage. Responds well to pruning for bushy shape and recovers well from pollarding. Sensitive to Phytophthora cinnamomi(Cinnamon fungus).