Asterotrichion discolor

Botanical Name: Asterotrichion discolor
Common Name: Tasmanian currajong
Family: Malvaceae
Size: 3-8m H x 2-4m W
Leaves: Variable in size, alternate, upper surface dull green with much-divided veins, lower surface covered densely with star shaped hairs, edges of leaves bluntly serrated.
Flowers: Small with 5 white petals, usually male and female on separate plants, perfumed, prolific, on axillary stems.
Flowering Time: Mid to late autumn to winter.
Habitat/distribution: Limited distribution in damp Eucalyptus gullies in the south-east.
Where to See: Kingston Wetlands, Kellevie Road, Carlton River upstream from Kellevie Road.
Other notes: A very attractive garden specimen with masses of sweetly perfumed flowers in autumn. It requires moist, well-drained soil with part shade. Propagate from seed or cuttings. The fibrous nature of the bark may make this plant useful for paper-making.