Acacia dealbata

Botanical Name: Acacia dealbata
Common Name: Silver wattle
Family: Mimosaceae
Size: 10-30m H x 5-10m W
Leaves: Hairy, silver-blue/grey bipinnate in 10-20 pairs, feather-like.
Flowers: Pale to bright yellow globular heads of 25-30 flowers, stalked, fragrant in dense terminal racemes.
Flowering Time: Late winter/spring
Fruit: a pod, 7-10cm long, blue/green ripening to light brown, hanging on the tree in profusion.
Habitat/distribution: Tolerates a wide range of soil types but prefers moist soil in dappled shade, partial or full sun, in high rainfall areas. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially wetter areas, all National Parks and many city bushland parks and gardens.
Other notes: good for erosion control and shelter belts, post bush fire coloniser.