Styphelia humifusa

Botanical Name: Styphelia humifusa
Common Name: Native cranberry
Family: Epacridaceae
Size: 10-30cm H x 30-80cm W
Leaves: Narrow, crowded, grey/green 5-12mm long, with rough margins rolled under, tapering to a point.
Flowers: Bright red, to 2cm long, tubular with spreading lobes, solitary in the leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Autumn
Fruit: A green, ovoid, fleshy, edible drupe.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in dry sandy heaths. Also WA,SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially dry heathlands. Many Reserves, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell; National Parks, Douglas-Apsley, Freycinet, Maria Island, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape, South Bruny and Tasman
Other notes: Good understorey plant with red cigar-shaped flowers on plants with greyish pointed leaves. For well-drained areas but can be difficult to establish. Propagation from tip cuttings.