Baloskion tetraphylum


Botanical Name: Baloskion tetraphyllum
Common Name: southern cordrush
Family: Restionaceae

Size and shape: rush to 0.5 - 2m high and in clumps up to 1m diameter, with shiny green stems branched so the ends appear feathery
Leaves: leaves replaced by brown sheaths along flowering stems
Flowers: flowers in terminal clusters, inflorescence narrow, of 15–450 spikelets on fine branches; male and female flowers on a short stipe 0.2–0.5 mm long
Flowering Time: Summer
Fruit: A capsule dispersed with the glume, compressed, circular or elliptical in outline, 0.8–1 mm long

Habitat/distribution: Swampy places, river banks, moist sandy or peaty soils
Where to See: Widespread
Other notes: Regenerates by seed after fire. Wind pollinated.


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