Epacris virgata


Botanical Name: Epacris virgata
Common Name: Pretty heath
Family: Epacridaceae
Size: 0.75-2m H x 0.5-1m W
Leaves: Shiny rounded to 1cm L, tapering to a point, usually held erect on the stems.

Flowers: White, tubular with spreading lobes, single in the axils of the upper two thirds of the stems.
Flowering Time: Winter/spring
Fruit: A 5 valve capsule containing fine seed.
Habitat/distribution: Shallow poorly drained soils or dolerite or ironstone origin in three separate areas of the Dazzler Range in the north, east of Lilydale, and in the south-east.
Where to See: Margate hills, Snug Tiers, around Kingston, Forestier and Tasman Peninsulas
Other notes: Requires well drained, moist soils with some sun among other plants, prune for shape.


Eucalyptus coccifera


Epacris acuminata