Banksia marginata


Botanical Name: Banksia marginata
Common Name: Silver banksia
Family: Proteaceae
Size: 0.5-8m H x 2-5m W
Leaves: Variable, entire or serrate, leathery, upper surface dark green with indented central vein, undersurface hairy-white with conspicuous venation and rolled margins.
Flowers: Compact cylindrical, cream to yellow spike.
Flowering Time: Spring/mainly Autumn in many areas of the State, especially in upper altitudes.

Fruit: Persistent woody follicles which open to release 2 seeds with paper-like wings separated by a woody divider. Seeds may be released soon after maturity or retained until the follicle is opened by the death of the branch or tree, or by fire.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread, coast to subalpine. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Coastal areas, bushland, Reserves, Parks throughout the State from sea level to 1000m; Freycinet NP to shores of Lake St Claire; Maria Island to the Chalet on Kunanyi/Mount Wellington.
Other notes: Excellent garden tree or shrub with grey smooth bark but needs good drainage. Responds well to pruning for bushy shape and recovers well from pollarding. Sensitive to Phytophthora cinnamomi(Cinnamon fungus).


Correa reflexa var. reflexa


Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spathulata